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Would you like to contribute to our blog? We're always on the lookout for new and interesting voices to contribute to our site. If you think you have something valuable to say, we'd love to hear from you. Send us a pitch or an article idea and we'll take a look.

We love what we do, and we want to find other professional people who also enjoy writing about their passions. Whether it’s startup tips, web design, mobile application development, online reputation management, business growth strategy, Web Hosting, SaaS, Plugins, Themes, Tools, Speed Optimization, AI & ML, Data Analytics, Data Scraping, IoT Development, DevOps, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, or Mobile Apps Development, as long as your style is engaging and natural to read, we'd like to hear from you!



With 86% of content marketers using guest posting, you don't want to fall behind the competition.

Guest posting is a great way to get your name and your work out there in front of a new audience. Not only does it give you the opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with others, but it also allows you to build relationships with other thought leaders in your industry.

Varsha Gupta

Blog Featured Image

1Focus on quality content

We don't allow new people who write for only backlink creation intent. We suggest you focus on quality and informative content that can delight the readers and also rank well in search engines. If you want your article to get published on our platform then make sure you're offering the best content that our readers and search algorithms seek to reward. Don't know how to produce quality content? Here are a few content quality questions that you must ask yourself before writing for us:

  • Have you checked out the top 10 organic results pages that are ranking for the same topic you're going to write for?

  • Are you ready to produce content that will really provide more worth than already top-ranking pages in the Google SERP?

  • Are you providing content that contains original information, reporting, research, or analysis?

  • Does your content offer insightful analysis or interesting information that engages and fulfills the reader's requirements?

  • Are you getting most of the content from other sources? Avoid it. Try to add additional value and originality to your content.

  • Are you an expert on the topic you're going to write about? An expert knows the topic well.

  • Does your content free from spelling or stylistic issues?

There are many other quality content factors that you need to follow to write a quality guest post article that really has worth for our reputed platform as well as for your content ranking that drives more value to your expertise. Creating and distributing low-quality content is one of the biggest content marketing mistakes these days. If you're doing this then you must know that Google is not going to give such content any value.

If you can write for us quality guest post content that fits our blog, please send it to us at

2Guest Post Guidelines

We're excited that you want to write for us! But before you submit, please take a look at our guidelines so your post has the best chance of being accepted.

First and foremost, we’re looking for quality content. That means well-written, interesting articles that provide value to our readers. If your article is accepted, it will be read by thousands of people who are already using our platform to read helpful content.

To that end, we ask that you:

  • Write original content. Plagiarism is a big no-no and will result in immediate rejection.

  • Keep it actionable. Our readers are looking for articles that they can put into practice in their own lives. We want to help them make positive changes, so make sure your article provides specific advice that they can follow.

  • Keep it focused. Pick one main topic and stick to it. Rambling articles are harder to read and won’t be accepted.

  • Make it readable. Use short paragraphs and clear language. No one wants to struggle through a wall of text!

  • Your articles should be 2000-3000 words.

  • Avoid using irrelevant images or copyright images owned by someone else.

  • It's important to always give credit to your sources, especially when it comes to statistics, images, and quotes.

  • Keep it relevant: Your guest post should be relevant to the blog's audience.

  • Make it interesting: Write something that will capture the reader's attention and keep them engaged.

  • Keep it concise: Keep your guest post to a reasonable length so as not to lose the reader's interest.

  • Write a catchy headline that will grab readers' attention. Don't know how to write attention-grabbing blog headlines? Try our free blog title generator tool.

Before submitting you must review the above-mentioned write for us guidelines. Keep your article focused and relevant, as well as provide some sort of actionable advice for our readers. If you can keep these guidelines in mind, you're well on your way to writing. Send your guest post topic ideas to

3What do we publish?

If you're interested in writing for us, we'd love to hear from you. We're always on the lookout for new voices and perspectives, so if you have something to say, we want to hear it. Whether you're an expert on a particular topic or just have a unique perspective that you think our readers would enjoy, we want to hear from you. There are a few key industries that we are particularly interested in when it comes to finding new blog topics. We are specifically looking for topics that are specific to the following industries:

  • Business

  • Web Hosting

  • SaaS

  • Product management

  • Project management

  • Startups

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Plugins

  • Mobile app development

  • Software development

  • Web development

  • eCommerce development

  • blockchain technology

  • Themes

  • Speed Optimization

  • Web designing (UI/UX)

  • Artificial intelligence

  • IoT development

  • AR & VR development

  • Content writing

  • DevOps

  • Bot development

  • Robotic process automation

  • Cyber Security

  • Progressive web app

  • Analytics

  • Cloud Computing

  • Business tools & software

  • Online reputations

Do you have expertise in these topics? Just send your ideas to

4What's our format?

At VOCSO, we accept a particular format, and the same we expect from you. If you're looking to submit an article to VOCSO, be sure to format it in the correct way. We accept articles that are formatted in a specific way, and if you don't follow this format, your article will likely be rejected.

  • When writing a blog, it is important to keep the tone casual and conversational. This will help engage the reader and keep them interested in what you have to say.

  • Use words like "you" and "I" to create a sense of connection with the reader. By doing this, you will make them feel as though you are speaking directly to them.

  • Remember that you are informing the reader, not lecturing them. Use language that is easy to understand and relatable.

  • Make sure you send a scannable and flowing article.

  • Make sure to use H2 and H3 title tags properly capitalized in order to format your blog posts correctly.

  • Make it interesting- use strong adjectives and active verbs to grab the reader's attention.

  • Be specific- if your article is about a certain topic, make sure your subhead reflects that.

  • We love articles that answer the most commonly asked questions.

  • We love articles that provide numbered lists of tactics.

  • Write something that you are passionate about and that you would want to read yourself.

  • Narrow your focus down to a specific topic or niche so that you can really dive deep into the content.

  • Don’t try to please everyone – write for your target audience and stay true to your voice.

  • It's important to back up your claims in your blog with links to research or case studies. This helps to confirm the information in your blog and makes it more credible.

  • When conducting research for a blog post, be sure to pull quotes from other sources that can help to enhance your piece. Including quotes from other sources in your blog can help to add credibility to your writing.

  • Make sure you include at least 3-5 images within the post. We love images, photos, graphics, videos, screenshots, or GIFs. This is a long blog post so break them with images.

  • Keep your paragraphs short with 2-3 sentences each.

  • Make sure your article is well-written and free of grammatical and spelling errors.

  • Ensure that your article is clear and concise.

  • Make sure your article flows smoothly and is easy to read.

  • Send us your article via Google Docs and make sure it is shared externally and we can edit it.

The bottom line is that VOCSO wants to help content marketers thrive and become the best in the industry. By writing for us, this is your opportunity to become an authoritative voice in the digital marketing field. Agree to these instructions? Suggest your guest post ideas to

5What happen after your article is selected for publication?

Want to know what happen to your after accepting for posting? Don't worry, we will take 2-3 days to get published your content. But we have a few steps to get this job done. Please see below:

  • If we found your topic relevant and fit to our guest posting instructions, it will be send for review to our editors.

  • We have the right to edit our articles or their titles as we see fit.

  • We can make changes to correct errors or to update information.

  • We can also make changes to improve readability or to make the article more user-friendly.

  • Once your article is selected for publication, our editorial team will work with you to make any necessary edits or revisions.

  • You will be notified of the date and time of publication.

  • Once your article is finalized, it will be published on our website and shared across our social media channels.

  • After your article is published, we encourage you to promote it to your own networks to help increase its reach.

Got more questions? Contact us.

6How to find us on Google?

If you're interested in writing for VOCSO, the best way to find us is through a Google search. Just type in VOCSO "write for us" and our website should come up as one of the top results. Here are a few other Google search tricks to find our write for us page:

  • SaaS write for us

  • Plugins write for us

  • business write for us

  • web development write for us

  • mobile app development write for us

  • AI & ML write for us

  • web designing write for us

  • Speed Optimization write for us

  • devops write for us

  • write for us software

  • technology write for us

  • business + write for us + guest post

  • web design + "write for us" + guest post

  • web development + "write for us" + guest post

  • write for us + guest post

  • write for us "Cyber Security"

  • write for us "web design and development"

  • submit your guest post

  • submit guest blog post

  • write for us "tech blog"

  • write for us web design

  • content marketing write for us

  • how to write a guest post

  • how to submit a guest blog post

  • app development write for us

  • business software write for us

  • web design write for us

  • web development "write for us"

  • submit guest post about web development

  • mobile technology + write for us

  • Data Scraping write for us guest post

  • software write for us

  • site write for us

  • digital marketing submit a guest post

  • become a guest blogger

  • write for us Web Hosting

  • write for us Cloud Computing

  • ecommerce "write for us"

  • write for us + marketing

  • write for us social media

Alternatively, you can also find us on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

frequently asked questions

1. How can I publish a blog on VOCSO?

To get your content published on VOCSO, you just need to follow these easy steps:

  • Share your 2-3 topic ideas relevant to our website

  • Our team will recommend a topic that fits our targeting readers

  • After writing about the recommended topic, you can send your article to

  • Our editors will review the article and get published in 2 days or last in a week.

If we didn't find any of your suggested topics relevant then we can share a few topics from our end. You have to choose one of the topics to write about. Also, if you have already written article content and you feel it will be good for our audiences then you can directly share the content for review.

2. Can I edit and resend a rejected article content?

Yes. If we have rejected your content because of any reasons mentioned on this page then you don't need to worry about it. You can edit your article and resend it to us for review again.

3.What are the requirements for submissions?

We accept submissions from writers of all levels of experience. However, all articles must be well-written and free of grammar and spelling errors. We also require that all submissions be original content - no plagiarism allowed!

4.How long should my article be?

Articles can range in length from 2500-3000 words, though we may be open to longer or shorter pieces depending on the subject matter.

5. When will my article be published?

Once we receive your submission, one of our editors will take a look and get back to you with any feedback or questions. If everything looks good, we'll publish your article on our site within a week.

6. What are the benefits of writing a quality blog?

Writing good quality blog content has many benefits. Here are some:

  • Quality content can help you attract an audience and build a following.

  • A well-written blog can be a powerful marketing tool, helping you promote your business or brand.

  • A quality blog can also help you establish yourself as an expert in your field.

  • Writing a blog can be a great way to connect with others and share your ideas and expertise.

  • A quality blog can also help you drive traffic to your website or blog.

7. How will I know if my guest blog post has been accepted?

Check your email. We'll shoot you an email to let you know whether or not your guest blog post has been accepted for VOCSO.

8. How do I know if my blog post is a good fit for your site?

Before start writing for us, we would recommend visiting our blog page and seeing what content categories are there. After checking out the categories that we're covering, you just need to share a few blog topic ideas for approval. Once we get approved a topic then you can start writing your article and match your content with these instructions so your article post can goof fit our website:

Make sure you understand the site's tone and audience before pitching a post. Read through the site's submission guidelines to see what they're looking for. Choose a topic that you're passionate about and that you know will interest the site's readers.

Write a well-crafted and engaging article that follows the site's submission guidelines. Include a catchy headline and any relevant photos or videos to help your pitch stand out. Check out other posts on the site to get a feel for the tone and voice. If you're unsure, ask a friend or colleague to read over your submission before sending it in.

9. How do I know if my blog post is a good fit for your site?

Yes. you can include links in the content but links shouldn't look spammy and promotional. Sponsor and affiliate links are not allowed. Also, service links can't be accepted. You can add your website link without using keyword-rich anchor text:

10. How long should my guest blog post be?

All the links in the content will remain permanently on our website but if we found any links are broken and redirecting to other irrelevant sites then we can immediately remove them.

11. Will you promote my guest blog post?

Yes. We'll promote your article through our social media accounts. Also, we'll promote your content internally by interlinking your content, in our existing and upcoming blogs so that search engines crawl and index your content more effectively. Interlinking can also help improve your blog post's SEO by boosting its link popularity. In addition, interlinking can help existing visitors navigate your blog post page easily.

12. How often can I submit guest blog posts?

No limit. But you have to follow the approval process every time you connect with us for a guest post article contribution to VOCSO.

13. I have an idea for a series of guest blog posts. Is that something you're interested in?

Yes. We would like to publish your series of guest blog posts on VOCSO. But relevancy and quality content will matter again.

14. Who will see my work?

Professional content writers, editors, and the content creator team will look into this.

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