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Ecommerce Design & Development Solutions

Get an online store that looks good and converts more
visitors into paying customers.

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ecommerce design & development solutions
build a successful

eCommerce Website for your business

Building a highly effective and successful ecommerce website requires certain key ingredients. Here we decode the same for you.

  • 1

    Sensitive Data Security

    Use of effective encryption methods to secure sensitive customer, order & payment data.

  • 2


    Ability for the website to grow as the business needs grow.

  • 3

    Seamless Experience

    Seamless experience across the browsers and different screen sizes

sell more with

Tailor-Made eCommerce Website

expTeam icon


Team of ecommerce developers, UI/UX & marketing wizards with 8+ years of experience.

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Wide Array of

One shoe doesn’t fit all. We suggest & implement the platform that is a perfect match to specific business need.

userbrand icon


Create user-focussed, branded ecommerce experience.

Discuss your Project

Don’t have time to decide?
Get a brand new eCommerce store fast.

Magento eCommerce
Store Development

& customization

Magento, the most widely used open source ecommerce platform is still a no-brainer for most ecommerce websites. VOCSO team’s in-depth experience with Magento ecommerce customization & development makes us your ideal choice for your ecommerce website projects.

  • Trusted by over 2.4 million ecommerce stores
  • Over 19,000 ready extensions
  • Top 15% websites rely on magento
  • Ability to support 5 million products
  • Multi-lingual & multi-store implementation


Tailored eCommerce Solution

Crownmoulding & Flexmouldings are subsidieries of company called SanDiegoMolding. VOCSO provided them with the strategical design revamp focussed on improving conversion and reducing the conversion time by 27%.

  • Open Source - Fully customizable
  • Design Freedom - branded experience
  • Scalable to future business growth
  • Extendable - Add any functionality with direct code.
  • Hosted & Maintained

Cross/Upselling Tool


Hosted & Maintained


Secure Encryption


Easy checkout & payment


Discount Vouchers


Automated Status Notifications

Can you show me some ecommerce website designs developed by you?

Our portfolio includes all the ecommerce website designs which we have developed for our esteemed clients. We create intuitive designs by following the best UX practices. This is the start to establishing a global sales presence. These coveted online stores provide stellar shopping experiences with prime UX practices for shopping cart, product display, customer service, checkout process, etc. Multiple ecommerce platforms, apps, and tools exist for creating your online purchasing experience, such as Magento, Shopify, or WooCommerce. Such versatile online environments include various domains including managing orders, payment methods, shipping, fulfillment and marketing, to name but a few.

How much time will it take in ecommerce website development?

Which eCommerce Platform should I choose to develop the websites?

Do you use templates to design my eCommerce store?

Is PHP good for eCommerce?

Does It Make Sense to Use Python to build an eCommerce website?

Will my eCommerce Website be secure?

What kind of services can I expect once I launch my website?

Are there any recurring costs involved with owning a website?

Can my store be hacked/ attacked by a virus?


What’s the difference between a template and a fully custom ecommerce site?

Do you offer SEO services for ecommerce startups?

What are the resources you employ to build a website?

Do you provide support after my ecommerce store is developed?

What is the pricing logic in ecommerce website design & development?

Will there be hidden costs associated with ecommerce web design services?

Can we view the web site design as it is in progress?

Do you offer e-commerce packages?

Will our website or online store be unique and reflect our organization?

In case, we do not like the design, then?

Still have questions?

Discuss your Project

I want to take a min and talk about Deepak and Vocso team.We have outsourced web projects to many offshore companies but found Deepak understands the web content management and culture of US based firm and delivered the project with in time/budget . Also in terms of quality of product exceeds then anything else on which we work on offshore association I would recommend them for any web projects.

Rob Elliot
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