ALTEN Technology USA is an engineering company located in 3 different locations Greensboro, NC, Westminster, CO, and Troy, MI that provides solutions for engineering, technology, and product development projects. They partnered with VOCSO to create a compelling online presence through a custom-designed engineering company website. VOCSO, renowned for their expertise in web design and development, collaborated closely with ALTEN Technology USA to understand their unique requirements, brand identity, and target audience.
service provided
The client connected us for several reasons. Firstly, they wanted a custom website design, secondly, the client wanted to integrate Jobvite into their website to streamline their recruiting process and finally, the client was interested in ongoing SEO services to improve their website's visibility and attract more organic traffic.
The project aims to redesign a complete website of the current version, which will be based on a custom design with similarities to existing websites in this segment.
Important Features and Integrations delivered to this web design project In order to meet the needs of the client and their customers, there are several important features and integrations on offer in this web design project.
Director of Marketing and Communications at