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UI Design vs UX Design: What’s the Difference?

by : deepak-chauhan Category : UX/UI,Website Date :
UI Design vs UX Design

When designing a website for your business, it’s essential to create something that will keep visitors interested. You may have heard that UI (user interface) design is more crucial than UX (user experience) design.

But could you explain what UX and UI are? Where do we draw the lines between the user interface and user experience? Read on to determine how to decide between user interface and user experience design.

Which is better, user interface design or user experience design?

UX design is laser-focused on the user, while UI design is broad in scope. User experience design aims to streamline the customer’s path to purchase by optimizing touchpoints—UX design concerns a product’s overall look and functionality, like a website or mobile app. A successful product launch depends on user experience and user interface design.

In order to create successful and user-friendly designs, it is important to have a strong understanding of the best UX/UI design tools. By knowing which tools are available and how to use them, designers can create efficient and effective designs that meet the needs of users.

What is User Experience Design vs. User Interface Design?

First, let’s define user experience design and user interface design to understand the distinctions between the two better.

User experience (UX):

User experience (UX design) is designing the best possible technical expertise for your website’s visitors. User experience design ensures people have a good time using your site.

User interface (UI):

A primary goal of UI design is to deliver a graphically pleasant stay on your site. It’s essential to pay attention to aesthetics when designing a user interface.

Comparing User Experience Design with Conventional User

Interface Design

Designing a user interface can be a tricky business. There are so many things to consider, such as usability, aesthetic appeal, and making sure the interface is intuitive and easy to use. However, even with all of these factors in mind, it’s still possible to make some common mistakes when designing a UI.

Now that we’re familiar with the terms let’s compare and contrast user experience design with user interface design. As we examine the similarities and differences between these two layouts, we will focus on three primary areas:

  • Approach
  • Focus
  • Makeup

For more on how UX design differs from UI design, read on!

1. Approach

Take different approaches to UX and UI design, which is the first thing to consider when comparing the two. There are two distinct ways to design a website, and they both involve the user’s experience.

UX design considers the user as a whole, not just a collection of data points. When designing a website, UX experts believe in the end user’s journey across the site, from when they click on a link until the moment they convert.

User experience design puts a premium on the website’s structure and the ease with which visitors can use it.

Compare the UX method to the construction of a vehicle. Engineers working on the vehicles prioritize practicality and user-friendliness. They care more about its functionality than its aesthetics.

On the other side, user interface design focuses on the visual aspects of making a good product. UI designers prioritize users’ experiences and analyze a site’s aesthetic elements. Graphic design features characteristics such as typeface, color palette, and imagery.

Therefore, returning to the automobile instance, the User Interface design of a vehicle consists entirely of the visual aspects, such as the location of buttons and the style of the seats. The field of user interface design focuses primarily on turning aesthetically beautiful design aspects into practical ones.

2. Focus

When comparing user experience and interface design, it’s essential to consider each of their focuses. The primary distinction between UI and UX design is the emphasis placed on different aspects of a website’s functionality.

There is an emphasis on the back-end structure of your website while you’re designing for the user experience. User experience design aims to improve visitors’ overall satisfaction with your site.

The emphasis is on making procedures that users can pick up and utilize with little to no difficulty. The main focus of user experience design is on the idea and how it can be implemented to provide a satisfying experience for the customer or client.

User interface design is all about how your site looks to its visitors. User interface design is involved with the aesthetics of your site and the way it makes visitors feel. Considerable time and effort are spent on graphics and the production of tangibly beneficial aspects while examining the UI aspect of your website.

Here’s a good illustration: Dollar Shave Club. Dollar Shave Club recommends its customers take a short survey to determine their individual needs before recommending a specific regimen of products.

This quiz’s user interface (UX) was designed to let users quickly and easily select the best available answer and move on to the following statement by clicking the appropriate button. Visitors won’t get stuck because they’ll know what to do next.

On the user interface aspect of things, the priority moves to make uniformly sized boxes, consistent-looking objects, and an uncluttered layout. The user’s mouse cursor is highlighted as they move over the box, and a checkmark appears in the box when they click it.

As can be seen, the UI makes it simple to read the questions and select the correct answer, while the UX emphasizes the quiz’s functionality and ease of use.

3. Makeup

The distinction between user experience and user interface design can be seen in its constituent parts. Developing a fantastic user interface is distinct from creating a great user experience. Excellent user experience design consists of the following four components:


As its name implies, user experience design ensures users don’t have to deal with hiccups or confusion. Your site’s visitors shouldn’t have trouble navigating it or using its features.


Consistency is key to good UX design, as it lets visitors know what to anticipate from their experience on your site. Consistently placing the navigation bar in the same spot at the top of the webpage is an easy but effective method to improve the user experience.


To connect with your audience, you need to develop a user interface that feels like something they’ve encountered before. For example, if you place the navigation bar towards the top of your page instead of the bottom, your readers will feel more at ease.


To ensure that your target audience can quickly get the information they need, it is essential to employ UX design principles. The user experience design aims to provide a service to the user that doesn’t force them to use any more energy than is necessary. One way to make sure you’re always thinking about the user experience is to have a UX design checklist. This checklist can help you keep track of all the different elements that need to be considered in order to create a great user experience.

On the other hand, these four elements constitute an excellent UI design:


The goal of any suitable user interface design should be to make the site more enjoyable to use. The objective is to provide an aesthetically pleasing experience that encourages visitors to interact with your site


In user interface design, usability is crucial. The visual elements must be appropriately arranged so users can use them for the best possible experience. It’s essential to make your site visually appealing and functional by using appropriate spacing and sizing.


The user interface is not complete without considering the need for reliability. When a website is trustworthy, its pages load quickly and accurately.


The functionality of a UI is the final piece. Your site’s functionality is gauged by how smoothly people can navigate it by clicking various buttons, visiting multiple links, and generally looking around.

Should I focus on user experience design or user interface design?

You could be trying to decide which approach is better for your company. Do you need to prioritize user interface or user experience? Concentrate on both, as it were. User interface and user experience design prioritize the needs of the people using the product.

UX is primarily concerned with the nuts and bolts, while UI is concerned with the aesthetics, but both are essential to provide a satisfying experience for site visitors.

The User Experience is the cake, and the User Interface is the icing if you will. A cake without icing will not impress the happy couple, and they will not want to taste it. However, kids will be disappointed that it is not a cake if they receive cardboard boxes decorated with icing.

Most importantly, UX and UI are required to satisfy customers and provide the desired service. So, while UX and UI do have particular distinctions, they complement one another in ensuring that your audience has a positive experience.

In what ways might UX and UI be aligned?

Suppose your CEO has decided to engage a UX designer to create a functional app for the company. Before beginning to develop your app’s user interface, the UX designer will investigate similar apps and the problems faced by your target audience.

She’ll utilize this data to develop a site map and a prototype, settling on the app’s essential features (such as “must track heart rate and mileage”).

UX designers begin with sketches called wireframes, which go through rounds of testing and iteration before turning into prototypes called mockups. After that, the developer will do market research and make final adjustments before releasing the product.

UX designers are concerned with the product’s structure and value and how well the product meets users’ needs at every stage of the process. A user interface designer will be responsible for the app’s final look near the development conclusion. It includes creating all graphical elements such as menus, buttons, and icons.

The primary distinction between UX and UI is in the designer’s focus; UX designers consider the whole user experience as they interact with a product to satisfy their wants or solve their problems. Their motivations and frustrations, the reasons they will or will not use the product, and the features that would make using the product pleasurable are all part of this picture.

The limitations of the app’s functionality and what features may and cannot be included are communicated to the UI designer. She then uses these limitations as a starting point for creating a user interface that is both simple and effective at meeting the users’ needs.

UX and UI are complementary, and neither can be ignored if you want to make a truly remarkable product. A user experience designer is essential to YouTube because, without them, the site would look great but be impossible to use. And without a user interface developer, YouTube could be a fantastic concept but a nightmare to use.

How can VOCSO help here?

VOCSO is a web development company offering custom CMS developmentcustom website design and developmentcustom web application development, and custom mobile app design and development services in and out of India.

We also provide dedicated resources for hire:


Good UI and UX are typically needed to create a product that customers would adore. An attractive and simple-to-use banking app is possible (UI). No matter how beautiful an app may look, it will be useless if the user experience is poor.

Contrarily, a website may provide an original, valuable content strategy that is well-organized and easy to use. Your patience will wear thin if you try to use the site and end up frustrated because of its outdated design or because you can’t figure out how to switch across pages or scroll through the available options.

You may feel overwhelmed now that you know the issue isn’t about UX vs. UI but instead involves developing a strategy that uses both.

Deepak Chauhan About Deepak Chauhan I am a technology strategist at VOCSO with 20 years of experience in full-stack development. Specializing in Python, the MERN stack, Node.js, and Next.js, I architect scalable, high-performance applications and custom solutions. I excel at transforming ideas into innovative digital products that drive business success.

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