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Kick Your App Growth Into the Next Gear With These Results Driven Mobile APP Marketing Tips For Small Businesses

by : rajkishore Category : App Development,Marketing Date :
Mobile APP Marketing Tips

With the advent of smartphones, people have almost entirely shifted their preference from PC and laptops to mobile apps and mobile browsing. The leniency is quite expected as a mobile phone is much handier and sometimes you may get exceptionally exclusive useful features that would be hard to come by in any other device.

Nowadays, small businesses usually prefer to use this platform to their own advantage to create their own app with the help of a freelance app developer or a mobile app design agency and increase the popularity of their products and services.

Mobile apps provide a fast and far-reaching network to connect to the target customers thus increasing chances of your business to flourish and earn the estimated profits. But you need to be resourceful and aware of the marketing procedure and various scenarios to utilize these benefits to your own advantage. Looking for results-driven mobile app marketing strategies?

Here are a few tips for marketing mobile apps that you should keep in mind.

1. App Store Optimization (ASO)

Most of the app stores such as Apple’s app store and Google Play tend to optimize the search results based on certain parameters which include the number of downloads, average ratings, reviews, etc. So you need to make sure that your APPs are optimized accordingly.

ASO must not be confused with SEO as it has a quite different set of comparing criteria that are usually way more complicated than they appear to be.

Your app title is one of the most important criteria in this matter and for more wholesome guidance. It is advised to use the Google AdWords Keyword Tool that tells you what the preferences of people are, searching for the apps in the category where you are trying to compete.

2. Marketing on Facebook

You may often feel irritated by the ads on Facebook but when you step into the shoes of a small businessman you know how effective the strategy of Facebook marketing really is.

Facebook allows a more user-friendly approach to the customers, filtering the interested ones and connecting them to you, the seller. You can link up with page promoted posts and sponsored stories to expand your reach exponentially in the social media platform.

Give relevant ads in the news feeds of interested people and segment the ad demographics effectively by using power tools such as Qwaya.

3. Invest Some Time on Twitter

One of the most common tips for marketing mobile apps is to use social media effectively and to the fullest. Promoted tweets have been found to be extremely useful in driving the number of app downloads to a soaring height.

Always start the promotion with a small budget and keep testing different keywords so that you get the time to judge and scale up according to the best cost-per-acquisition.

4. Add Features in Your App to Market it Through the Users

If you have used some of the apps in the App Store you may be familiar with these features. You ask your user to recommend this app with his or her known ones in return for some extra benefits such as offers or bonuses.

If one user recommends your app to another potential user the popularity increases linearly whereas if the recommendation is given to every 2 other friends the popularity increases exponentially.

This strategy is termed as inducing viral mechanics within the app and helps you to market your app effectively if you are able to satisfy a few customers initially.

5. Implement Features From App Reviews

Mobile apps are developed dynamically and the maintenance part is equally more important as the developing part. You need to rely on the users’ reviews and pay attention to each of these grievances and suggestions to increase the popularity further.

Reviews are important while marketing the mobile app as it helps you understand the shortcomings of your app and hence assess the extent of success the marketing strategy has achieved after each phase of development.

6. Take Help from Ad Networks That Operate on Mobile Phones

Ad networks are a subject of debate for all app developers for different platforms. But the reliable networks that operate on the mobile platform such as AdMob, iAd, and Mojiva are renowned for providing an appreciable vast network to their clients so that they can connect to their respective target audience and market their products and services effectively and with ease.

Sometimes this help is necessary as in the modern world the potential users of your app may be scattered across the globe and in the virtual world. If you cannot devise a consolidated approach to reach out to them you may miss out on golden opportunities in the tiresome efforts required to spot your user.

7. Create Your own Website and Operate on it

This may be a very good subsidiary tip for marketing mobile apps. Although it is not always recommended to avoid competition the fact that the app stores nowadays, are extremely crowded does prove to be a tough problem to overcome when it comes to marketing your app.

The efforts required to optimize your app the in these app stores can be mellowed down a little bit by creating your own website and using web optimization strategies that can significantly cut down the immense competition.

By suitable SEO techniques, you can bring your app to the top of the preferences in the corresponding search results.

8. Google Ads, Quora, Reddit, and Other Networks

Advertising your app through popular networks can prove to be extremely useful if done correctly. Among these Reddit allows you to give ads at an exceptionally cheap rate and obviously, the network you get access to is widespread.

You need to choose the websites where you can find visitors that may be your potential customers and check whether you can advertise your app there or not.

There are numerous sites that you can choose from and some of these may actually allow you to get what you want at a much cheaper price than others.

Mobile app marketing is a tough job to do and requires determination and persistence along with awareness. The tips given are generalized ones and are expected to help you in almost any situation that can be thought of.

Raj Kishore About Raj Kishore A digital marketing consultant at VOCSO. I've been working in digital marketing since 2010 and I am an expert at generating leads online via SEO, Paid Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Site/Landing Page Testing and Optimization, and Display and Remarketing.

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