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Everything You Should Know About Twitter Aggregators

by : rajkishore Category : Marketing,Social Media Glossary Date :

Do you also prefer scrolling down through Twitter rather than a newspaper in the morning?

Well! You are not alone.

Twitter is all about what’s happening in the world. It serves multiple purposes- be it connecting people, making announcements, learning new things, advertisements and what not.

Twitter has grown so much and so diversely, now more than ever, that it has really become a difficult job to maintain an active presence on Twitter with multiple accounts engaging with yours simultaneously.

The task becomes more complicated especially if you are a brand.

It’s really important for any brand to manage all it’s social media platforms and the latest updates regarding each platform, Twitter being the major one.

In such times of crisis, a Twitter Aggregator is no less than a superhero for you.

So, What Is A Twitter Aggregator?

The market is flooded with various kinds of social media tools.

But, a Twitter aggregator is a bit different from others.

Rather than helping you to create new content, it helps you to make the best use of what you already have.

A Twitter aggregator, one like Taggbox, helps you aggregate your Twitter feeds which you can display to your audience through a Twitter wall either in an event or on a website or as a digital display.

A Twitter Aggregator helps you manage various tweets all at one place, schedule posts beforehand, track the impact of your tweets on your users, and their interactions with those tweets through Analytics and much more.

But Why To Use It In The First Place?

Twitter is a living and an ever-changing community that needs constant updating and active community engagement to maintain followers.

How amazing will it be if you are able to show everyone all that people are tweeting about you, sharing their experience with your brand on Twitter, and discussing your brand and how fantastic your services are!

You may have thousands of ambassadors following you. Won’t it be incredible if they are able to see your Twitter buzz?

Well, being a marketer, you always look for a tool that might fulfill your requirements of displaying your Twitter feeds to your website visitors.

It’s a lot difficult to show and convince your aspiring buyers that you are an authentic business just with your brand content.

You need to provide them with social proof displaying your customers actually using your products with satisfaction and how happy they are while using it.

What could be better than Twitter feeds to display that social proof?

A Twitter aggregator is the best tool to discover, curate, and display Twitter feeds to your audience for that purpose.

Here are some reasons for using a Twitter aggregator in the first place.

Come, let’s have a look-

Displays User-Generated Content

A point worth noting is that engagement and authenticity are any brand’s priority. User-generated content brings both along.

Photos, videos, comments, trends, hashtags, mentions, and keywords are some of the many forms in which user-generated content is created on Twitter.

This user-generated content, if used in the right way, can help businesses to create an immensely positive and genuine brand image than any brand marketing campaign could.

Aggregating Twitter feeds via hashtags, keywords or mentions gives you the power to discover and fetch appropriate user-generated content associated with your brand and showcase it to create brand assurance and commitment among your consumers.

You can encourage your users to share their brand oriented experiences on Twitter using your brand hashtags and you as a marketer could amplify those experiences by aggregating those Twitter feeds for your brand marketing campaigns.

User-generated content assists you to build social trust among your consumer base and reinforces your brand image. People trust people, so aggregating Twitter feeds illustrating user experience is a smart choice to make as a marketer. Know how does Hashtag work on Twitter?

Intensify User Engagement

When you visualize aggregated Twitter feeds whether on your official website or in any event, it not only builds social trust but also heightens user engagement.

People actually engage and socialize with these feeds, finds them informational, relevant, fresh, and original. These feeds also inspire other users to tweet and add to the Twitter feeds being displayed.

By aggregating Twitter feeds and displaying them to your audience, you not only build social trust but also get a better understanding of your target audience and their communities better.

It keeps your stakeholders happy as they feel acknowledged and an important part of a conversation. It kind of a gives your Twitter followers a hearable voice that is being listened and responded to.

All this intensifies user engagement. When your followers see other users engaging with your brand on Twitter, even they jump into the conversation generating the Twitter buzz. Here are the secret art of magnetizing more social media followers for your business.

It Saves Time & Money

Aggregating Twitter feeds overall minimizes your marketing troubles earning your marketing campaign more time and making it cost effective. Here are 11 social media marketing tips to grow your business through social media plateforms.

Using a fitting Twitter aggregator helps you a long way as it manages, filters, customizes and does many other such significant treatment to the Twitter feeds that are to be presented on the website, in events or as digital signage.

Not only that, certain Twitter aggregators also give you managerial powers with respect to your Twitter feeds. You can manage them, schedule them, post them, and do so much more. It saves a lot of time on a day to day basis.

It takes the pressure off your shoulders and helps you target a wider audience. Marketing is allotted a major portion of the investment budget. Optimizing your marketing efforts by aggregating Twitter feeds help you judiciously use that budget for other marketing purposes. Aggregating Twitter feeds allows you to deliver fresh and original content to your users whether on a website or in an event or as digital signage.

Displaying Twitter feeds aggregated in real-time also provides a factor of authenticity to your brand as real-time feeds cannot be forged or purchased.

Curate Creative Content

Twitter aggregators give you the ability to curate Twitter feeds so as to advance the content quality to the pennants of your brand.

It helps you generate leads, increase traffic, and develop thought leadership. It helps to expand your Twitter feeds offering. Twitter aggregators help to fill in the gaps and faults in your content by curating it.

Twitter Aggregators help you fetch relevant and interesting Twitter feeds from the available Twitter content. It eases up the process of finding, organizing, and sharing Twitter feeds.

It helps you provide different perspectives to your users which thereby enhances your credibility. It also builds trust and enhances the value of your target audience.

User-generated Twitter feeds showcasing their feedback seldom might not resonate with the theme of your website. So, you can decide what to display and what not to in order to sustain the tone of your content.

Track Twitter Trends

A successful business marketing plan includes tracking the latest information and trending topics. Twitter is the best place to track trending topics in the industry. A Twitter aggregator helps you do so.

When you aggregate Twitter feeds from various sources via hashtags, mentions, handles, and locations using a twitter aggregator tool, you can observe the latest Twitter trends by analyzing all different types of tweets altogether on an exclusive dashboard.

This also enables you to keep a check on your competitor’s tweets and analyze their Twitter approach. Hence, you can better your own Twitter marketing strategy for your brand promotion.

Original & Fresh Content

Using Twitter aggregators can have a massive positive impact on your content curation strategy for Twitter. It helps you discover user-generated tweets that are different and unique from the ones created by your marketing team.

Aggregated Twitter feeds are an archetype, paradigm, and inventive. They have a more engaging effect on your audience than the ones posted by your marketing team on Twitter.

Aggregating Twitter feeds allows you to deliver fresh and original content to your users whether on a website or in an event or as digital signage.

Aggregated Twitter feeds are multi charactered. They may be videos, images, reviews, or commentaries of any discussion or so on. The point is they have a fresh perspective and hence they keep the aggregated Twitter feeds interesting and engaging.

Displaying Twitter feeds aggregated in real-time also provides a factor of authenticity to your brand as real-time feeds cannot be forged or purchased.

Expand Your Social Reach

A Twitter aggregator helps you embed your Twitter feeds directly on your website.

With stiff competition around, you need to have an impactful social presence and influence. Integrating your social media presence with your digital presence is a great and a smart move in that respect.

When you display aggregated Twitter feeds on your website, your website visitors get access to your social aspect without having to leave the website in the first place.

Twitter aggregator being a multi-purpose tool helps you to keep a check on Twitter trends and campaigns of your competitors and improvise them for your own benefits.

It allows you to analyze these trends effectively and identify the different success parameters for the Twitter marketing campaigns of your brand and implement them. Read 10 sure-fire ways to amplify your social media reach.

Final Words

Twitter Aggregation is one of the best ways to display user-generated content from Twitter and pursue the performance to enhance brand trust and user engagement and to improve your sales and business. So, what are you still idling for? Follow these helpful tips to boost engagement on social media.

Go and implement Twitter aggregation as an important factor of your digital marketing strategy and experience amazing results for your brand.


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Raj Kishore About Raj Kishore A digital marketing consultant at VOCSO. I've been working in digital marketing since 2010 and I am an expert at generating leads online via SEO, Paid Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Site/Landing Page Testing and Optimization, and Display and Remarketing.

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